php_uname has been disabled for security reasons

Hello, we are trying to use the self-host version of Invoice Ninja hosted to our shared-hosting account. Our provider disable the uname function and refuses to re-enable it for security reasons. Contacting the support team of our provider they suggested using php_OS instead because it is safer to use. To my understanding, this does not provide the same functionality as the php_uname. Do you know of any way around it, without breaking the functionality of the application and not irritating our provider?

I’m not sure if we’ll be able to fix this, what error are you seeing?

Just a generic “php_uname has been disabled for security reasons” followed by the line that the function is being used in the Utils.php file. After that there is a list of the files that use this function. We managed to convince them to at least switch it on for as long as possible to see if we can fix this situation.

Does commenting out the line in the Utils.php file help?

Although I tried it only locally, commenting out the line where the function is used seems to completely solve the problem. Cheers Hillel, you’re the man!