New Docker Image Available

Hi David. Thanks for your effort here.

I’ve spent a few hours trying to get the image working but unfortunately so far to no avail. Here’s a few observations:

  • Although it’s aliased, the syntax used in the documentation follows the long outdated Docker Compose standalone docker-compose instead of docker compose.
  • The command to generate an key before the containers have started doesn’t return a key, it just starts the container up.
  • The app starts ok, and is accessible via browser. However, if you try to upload a logo in place of the existing logo, the POST returns a 200 but the image will appear broken in the frontend. The image does upload to /storage/app/public/imagerand/imagevariant.png. My guess is that’s either the wrong directory or the mapping from the frontend (currently to the backend isn’t correct.
  • I get a combination of Axios 504 and 502 errors when trying use SnapPDF. The backend shows several pids forcefully terminated and at least one other pid exiting with an exit code of 1 (children fo the app container, not nginx).

I’ve tested behind a reverse proxy (Traefik) and also directly and the behaviour is the same.

Keen to get this set up, so if you need any more info from me or can suggest how I might be being stupid - please let me know.