Mobile app error with 4.5.5 self hosted and Android

I just installed the mobile app and tried to connect to my self-hosted (4.5.5) instance. I have updated the .env with the APP_SECRET. I know the mobile app is reaching my installation because it recognizes when I use an incorrect password. However, when all of the data is correct I get a longish message that reads

“Deserializing '[data,{accounts: [{account_key:***],user_id: 1…'to …” and it ends with “Tried to construct class “FrequencyEntity” with null field 'dateinterval”. This is forbidden; to allow it, mark “dateinterval” with @nullable."

Note I am using API_SECRET not APP_SECRET as reported above.

From the error it looks like the previous update didn’t complete.

Try loading /update (or /public/update) to check it.

I get the same results. The update indicates it was successful and I cleared the cache.

This may be a separate issue but after each update I have to manually delete 1 or 2 custom gateways from the gateways table in order for my gateway to work. However, even retaining those rows did not prevent the mobile app error message.

What do you see if you run this SQL query:

select * from frequencies;

Just the following results:

“1”;“Weekly”;“1 week”
“2”;“Two weeks”;“2 weeks”
“3”;“Four weeks”;“4 weeks”
“4”;“Monthly”;“1 month”
“5”;“Two months”;“2 months”
“6”;“Three months”;“3 months”
“7”;“Six months”;“6 months”
“9”;“Annually”;“1 year”
“10”;“Four months”;“4 months”
“11”;“Two years”;“2 years”

Thanks! The values are wrong, they should be:

mysql> select * from frequencies;
| id | name         | date_interval |
|  1 | Weekly       | 1 week        |
|  2 | Two weeks    | 2 weeks       |
|  3 | Four weeks   | 4 weeks       |
|  4 | Monthly      | 1 month       |
|  5 | Two months   | 2 months      |
|  6 | Three months | 3 months      |
|  7 | Four months  | 4 months      |
|  8 | Six months   | 6 months      |
|  9 | Annually     | 1 year        |
| 10 | Two years    | 2 years       |

Wow, that was the problem. I’m now able to access the mobile app. Thanks for your help (and product).

Glad to hear it’s working!

If you like the new mobile app we greatly appreciate reviews on the app stores.

Definitely! One last question: where do we post/send feature requests for the mobile app?

Thanks! You can create an issue here:

Thank you for the really nice review!!

It means a tremendous amount to us…

Hi “svegliando”
Could you please gave me an email I want to ask some questions for self hosted Invoice Ninja.
WhatsApp: +359882500015
Thank you in advance!