Mark as sent not working

Hi guys,

I’m using version 2.7.2 self host and I just noticed I cannot mark an invoice as sent. I keeps displaying the invoice as concept. I tried it on the invoices page and also in the invoice itself.

Kind regards,

I’m not sure, I’m not able to replicate the problem.

I just created a new testinvoice, with this one there wasn’t an issue marking it as sent.

I remember that for the invoice which I cant mark as sent, that I first created a quote, copied that quote made some changes and converted this quote to invoice.

Can you replicate the problem with an invoice converted from a quote?

If you can send us exact steps to replicate it shouldn’t be hard to fix.

Yes I can replicate.

Just created a quote and converted it to invoice, cannot mark it as sent.

Great, thanks!

We’ll include a fix with our next release.

Great, thanks!

When do you guys expect to release the next release?

We hope to release v2.8 to self-hosters in 2 to 3 weeks.

Assuming it’s a small fix I’ll post the change here.

I’m having trouble replicating the problem.

Here are the steps I’m following:

  • Create new quote
  • Click ‘More Actions’ then ‘Convert to Invoice’
  • Click ‘More Actions’ then ‘Mark Sent’

Hi Hillel,

I did some more testing and found out it only occurs when no contact is selected. If a contact is selected I can mark the invoice as read.


Thanks for tracking it down.

We track sent activity on the contact invitation, if no contacts are selected we aren’t able to mark it as sent.

I understand, but in that case it would be nice to get an error “Select at least 1 contact” when trying to mark it as sent.

We’ll look into making the change

Was there a reason why none of the contacts were checked?

In doing some tests I noticed if the client has one contact and you uncheck the checkbox after saving the contact is automatically selected, however if the client has multiple contacts and no checkboxes are checked after saving we don’t automatically select the first contact.

No there was not a reason. It was just a client with multiple contacts and I forgot to select one.

And indeed, a client with just one contact, the contact will be auto selected.

Thanks for the info!