

I have just upgraded to 2.7 and it gives me error after login. When I revert back to 2.6.10 everything is fine. Any ideas?

Thank you

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

FatalErrorException in HistoryUtils.php line 54:
Call to a member function setRelation() on null
in HistoryUtils.php line 54

I have also noticed that after the upgrade the company logo picture is gone. I needed to remove and re-upload it after the upgrade.


I’m not sure, I’m not seeing this error.

Could you please add dd($activity); on line 53 of the file and post what it shows.


I just tried 2.7.1. Same problem.

Activity {#802 ▼
  +timestamps: true
  #connection: null
  #table: null
  #primaryKey: "id"
  #keyType: "int"
  #perPage: 15
  +incrementing: true
  #attributes: array:19 [▼
    "id" => 2
    "created_at" => "2016-04-27 12:08:18"
    "updated_at" => "2016-04-27 12:08:18"
    "account_id" => 1
    "client_id" => 1
    "user_id" => 1
    "contact_id" => null
    "payment_id" => null
    "invoice_id" => 1
    "credit_id" => null
    "invitation_id" => null
    "task_id" => null
    "json_backup" => null
    "activity_type_id" => 18
    "adjustment" => "0.00"
    "balance" => "0.00"
    "token_id" => null
    "ip" => ""
    "is_system" => 0
  #original: array:19 [▼
    "id" => 2
    "created_at" => "2016-04-27 12:08:18"
    "updated_at" => "2016-04-27 12:08:18"
    "account_id" => 1
    "client_id" => 1
    "user_id" => 1
    "contact_id" => null
    "payment_id" => null
    "invoice_id" => 1
    "credit_id" => null
    "invitation_id" => null
    "task_id" => null
    "json_backup" => null
    "activity_type_id" => 18
    "adjustment" => "0.00"
    "balance" => "0.00"
    "token_id" => null
    "ip" => ""
    "is_system" => 0
  #relations: array:3 [▼
    "client" => Client {#872 ▼
      #presenter: "App\Ninja\Presenters\ClientPresenter"
      #dates: array:1 [▼
        0 => "deleted_at"
      #fillable: array:19 [▼
        0 => "name"
        1 => "id_number"
        2 => "vat_number"
        3 => "work_phone"
        4 => "custom_value1"
        5 => "custom_value2"
        6 => "address1"
        7 => "address2"
        8 => "city"
        9 => "state"
        10 => "postal_code"
        11 => "country_id"
        12 => "private_notes"
        13 => "size_id"
        14 => "industry_id"
        15 => "currency_id"
        16 => "language_id"
        17 => "payment_terms"
        18 => "website"
      +timestamps: true
      #hidden: array:1 [▼
        0 => "id"
      #connection: null
      #table: null
      #primaryKey: "id"
      #keyType: "int"
      #perPage: 15
      +incrementing: true
      #attributes: array:30 [▼
        "id" => 1
        "user_id" => 1
        "account_id" => 1
        "currency_id" => null
        "created_at" => "2016-04-27 12:04:37"
        "updated_at" => "2016-06-09 18:57:52"
        "deleted_at" => null
        "name" => "Test"
        "address1" => "Address2"
        "address2" => ""
        "city" => "Ljubljana"
        "state" => ""
        "postal_code" => "1000"
        "country_id" => 705
        "work_phone" => ""
        "private_notes" => ""
        "balance" => "0.00"
        "paid_to_date" => "610.00"
        "last_login" => null
        "website" => "www.test.som"
        "industry_id" => null
        "size_id" => null
        "is_deleted" => 0
        "payment_terms" => 30
        "public_id" => 1
        "custom_value1" => null
        "custom_value2" => null
        "vat_number" => "SI22263414"
        "id_number" => ""
        "language_id" => 14
      #original: array:30 [▼
        "id" => 1
        "user_id" => 1
        "account_id" => 1
        "currency_id" => null
        "created_at" => "2016-04-27 12:04:37"
        "updated_at" => "2016-06-09 18:57:52"
        "deleted_at" => null
        "name" => "Test"
        "address1" => "Address 2"
        "address2" => ""
        "city" => "Ljubljana"
        "state" => ""
        "postal_code" => "1000"
        "country_id" => 705
        "work_phone" => ""
        "private_notes" => ""
        "balance" => "0.00"
        "paid_to_date" => "610.00"
        "last_login" => null
        "website" => "www.cebram.si"
        "industry_id" => null
        "size_id" => null
        "is_deleted" => 0
        "payment_terms" => 30
        "public_id" => 1
        "custom_value1" => null
        "custom_value2" => null
        "vat_number" => "SI1222414"
        "id_number" => ""
        "language_id" => 14
      #relations: array:1 [▼
        "contacts" => Collection {#902 ▼
          #items: array:1 [▼
            0 => Contact {#907 ▼
              #dates: array:1 [▼
                0 => "deleted_at"
              #fillable: array:5 [▼
                0 => "first_name"
                1 => "last_name"
                2 => "email"
                3 => "phone"
                4 => "send_invoice"
              +timestamps: true
              #hidden: array:1 [▼
                0 => "id"
              #connection: null
              #table: null
              #primaryKey: "id"
              #keyType: "int"
              #perPage: 15
              +incrementing: true
              #attributes: array:20 [▼
                "id" => 1
                "account_id" => 1
                "user_id" => 1
                "client_id" => 1
                "created_at" => "2016-04-27 12:04:37"
                "updated_at" => "2016-08-10 07:54:41"
                "deleted_at" => null
                "is_primary" => 1
                "send_invoice" => 1
                "first_name" => "Rado"
                "last_name" => "Likon"
                "email" => "rado@cebram.si"
                "phone" => ""
                "last_login" => null
                "public_id" => 1
                "password" => null
                "confirmation_code" => null
                "remember_token" => null
                "contact_key" => "duKaSUZzDOTbRgCAfzEANoc8uEJiUoRb"
                "bot_user_id" => null
              #original: array:20 [▼
                "id" => 1
                "account_id" => 1
                "user_id" => 1
                "client_id" => 1
                "created_at" => "2016-04-27 12:04:37"
                "updated_at" => "2016-08-10 07:54:41"
                "deleted_at" => null
                "is_primary" => 1
                "send_invoice" => 1
                "first_name" => "Name"
                "last_name" => "Surname"
                "email" => "rado@test.com"
                "phone" => ""
                "last_login" => null
                "public_id" => 1
                "password" => null
                "confirmation_code" => null
                "remember_token" => null
                "contact_key" => "duKaSUZzDOTbRgCAfzEANoc8uEJiUoRb"
                "bot_user_id" => null
              #relations: []
              #visible: []
              #appends: []
              #guarded: array:1 [▼
                0 => "*"
              #dateFormat: null
              #casts: []
              #touches: []
              #observables: []
              #with: []
              #morphClass: null
              +exists: true
              +wasRecentlyCreated: false
              #forceDeleting: false
      #visible: []
      #appends: []
      #guarded: array:1 [▼
        0 => "*"
      #dateFormat: null
      #casts: []
      #touches: []
      #observables: []
      #with: []
      #morphClass: null
      +exists: true
      +wasRecentlyCreated: false
      #presenterInstance: ClientPresenter {#896 ▼
        #entity: Client {#872}
      #forceDeleting: false
    "invoice" => null
    "task" => null
  #hidden: []
  #visible: []
  #appends: []
  #fillable: []
  #guarded: array:1 [▼
    0 => "*"
  #dates: []
  #dateFormat: null
  #casts: []
  #touches: []
  #observables: []
  #with: []
  #morphClass: null
  +exists: true
  +wasRecentlyCreated: false

Thanks, I think I see the problem.

Try adding the following on line 54

            if ( ! $entity) {

Where exactly I should insert the code?

        foreach ($activities as $activity)
            if ($activity->activity_type_id == ACTIVITY_TYPE_CREATE_CLIENT) {
                $entity = $activity->client;
            } else if ($activity->activity_type_id == ACTIVITY_TYPE_CREATE_TASK || $activity->activity_type_id == ACTIVITY_TYPE_UPDATE_TASK) {
                $entity = $activity->task;
                $entity->setRelation('client', $activity->client);
            } else {
                $entity = $activity->invoice;
                $entity->setRelation('client', $activity->client);

This solves it. Is that correct?

       foreach ($activities as $activity)
            if ($activity->activity_type_id == ACTIVITY_TYPE_CREATE_CLIENT) {
                $entity = $activity->client;
            } else if ($activity->activity_type_id == ACTIVITY_TYPE_CREATE_TASK || $activity->activity_type_id == ACTIVITY_TYPE_UPDATE_TASK) {
                $entity = $activity->task;
                $entity->setRelation('client', $activity->client);
            } else {
                $entity = $activity->invoice;
                if ( ! $entity) {
                $entity->setRelation('client', $activity->client);


Looks good

It also works :slight_smile:

Thank you!!! Please include it in the next update so I will not hit the same problem again :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!
