Localization - Custom Labels - "Due Date" not showing change

In Localization - Custom Labels, I changed the “Due Date” label to “Payment Due”, but the change is not showing on the invoices. It is still showing “Due Date”.
Other label changes I made are showing up, its just this “Due Date” change isn’t showing.
Can you check if this is a bug?


@david can you please advise?


Which design are you attempting to change?


I have a modified version of the Business Invoice Template.

This is where I changed “Due Date” to “Payment Due” in the Localization section:

When I add this field into the Invoice Design, it still shows the original “Due Date” label.

And then it displays it with the original “Due Date” label on the invoice as well.



For this particular field, we use a different key try using the key


and it will translate correctly.

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Thanks David, but I can’t see this label in the drop down labels localization area on the hosted platform. Can you check please.


You can add it as a custom option.

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Thanks @hillel and @david, using the Add Custom and entering invoice_due_date worked perfectly.


Only some of the labels are pre-filled, however you can add an additional label using the Add Custom button


Then use the key value


This will then add that specific key in and then you add your preferred translation.

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