Libraries/HistoryUtils.php on line 70 and defined


I have the following error each time I login.
The problem is fixed when I clean the cache
/ Clear_cache = true
If anyone knows something about this problem would help me a lot.

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
1/1 ErrorException in /home/admin/web/mybill/public_shtml/app/Libraries/HistoryUtils.php line 74: Argument 1 passed to App\Libraries\HistoryUtils::trackViewed() must be an instance of App\Models\EntityModel, null given, called in /home/admin/web/mybill/public_shtml/app/Libraries/HistoryUtils.php on line 70 and defined

in HistoryUtils.php line 74
at HandleExceptions->handleError('4096', 'Argument 1 passed to App\Libraries\HistoryUtils::trackViewed() must be an instance of App\Models\EntityModel, null given, called in /home/admin/web/mybill/public_shtml/app/Libraries/HistoryUtils.php on line 70 and defined', '/home/admin/web/mybill/public_shtml/app/Libraries/HistoryUtils.php', '74', array()) in HistoryUtils.php line 74
at HistoryUtils::trackViewed(null) in HistoryUtils.php line 70
at HistoryUtils::loadHistory(array(object(stdClass), object(stdClass))) in HandleUserLoggedIn.php line 55
at HandleUserLoggedIn->handle(object(UserLoggedIn))
at call_user_func_array(array(object(HandleUserLoggedIn), 'handle'), array(object(UserLoggedIn))) in Dispatcher.php line 348
at Dispatcher->Illuminate\Events\{closure}(object(UserLoggedIn))
at call_user_func_array(object(Closure), array(object(UserLoggedIn))) in Dispatcher.php line 221
at Dispatcher->fire(object(UserLoggedIn)) in Facade.php line 217
at Facade::__callStatic('fire', array(object(UserLoggedIn))) in AuthController.php line 156
at Event::fire(object(UserLoggedIn)) in AuthController.php line 156
at AuthController->postLoginWrapper(object(Request)).......

Have you manually deleted any records from the database?

Yes, I have manually cleaned the table “clients”

Thank you

We don’t recommend manually deleting data as it can cause problems, there’s a ‘Purge Data’ option in the settings.

I think you can fix this by deleting the related rows in the activities table.

Bingo !!!

Thank You