Just ran the update | Now I cannot login | Error 500 🙀

@AngryWarrior you’ll also want to check the Activity tab for email error information.

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@AngryWarrior sudo -u www-data php artisan migrate

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Thanks a bunch @brackenhill-mob :facepunch:

Kind regards

Thank you David! :smiley:

Kind regards

What Shall i Do I HAVE same bug ERROR 500 → I am on Softcoulous

Run sudo -u www-data php artisan migrate to start with on your installation folder and then reboot the server to reload the configuation.

Kind regards

@france Are you on a shared hosting environment ? if so would need to slightly different command to that suggested by @AngryWarrior as you won’t be able to sudo. in which case try
php artisan migrate
also worth trying to open in a private browsing window in your browser to check not related to anything caches there.

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Yep, true. I forgot that. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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i use softcouls share i can’t use SUDO

I have Error 500 even on Private browser


try running /update?secret=

you may also want to inspect the logs in storage/logs/laravel.log

@france do you have command line access? via ssh? if so one option is to follow the instructions that I did for a previous upgrade with similar issue i.e. do a fresh install from the command line

[2021-09-05 13:36:03] production.INFO: http://www.ybrv7474.odns.fr/invoice5/public/phantom/invoice/l3EOLJUnqUwOl6imtOPZO24NZqJokuV5eI0rctY44kxbRLWCo9c75nLLLyB3rq6q?phantomjs_secret=secret
[2021-09-05 13:36:30] production.INFO: http://www.ybrv7474.odns.fr/invoice5/public/phantom/invoice/l3EOLJUnqUwOl6imtOPZO24NZqJokuV5eI0rctY44kxbRLWCo9c75nLLLyB3rq6q?phantomjs_secret=secret
[2021-09-05 13:41:07] production.INFO: http://www.ybrv7474.odns.fr/invoice5/public/index.php/tmp_pdf/nk0JC3LedhmWMTymX0FAseDD71n8hF95
[2021-09-15 13:24:45] production.ERROR: Cannot declare class UpdateDesigns, because the name is already in use {“exception”:"[object] (Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError(code: 0): Cannot declare class UpdateDesigns, because the name is already in use at /home/ybrv7474/public_html/invoice5/database/migrations/2021_06_24_115919_update_designs.php:0)
#0 {main}
[2021-09-22 19:15:46] production.ERROR: Cannot declare class UpdateDesigns, because the name is already in use {“exception”:”[object] (Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError(code: 0): Cannot declare class UpdateDesigns, because the name is already in use at /home/ybrv7474/public_html/invoice5/database/migrations/2021_06_24_115919_update_designs.php:0)
#0 {main}
[2021-10-08 23:38:40] production.ERROR: Cannot declare class UpdateDesigns, because the name is already in use {“exception”:”[object] (Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError(code: 0): Cannot declare class UpdateDesigns, because the name is already in use at /home/ybrv7474/public_html/invoice5/database/migrations/2021_06_24_115919_update_designs.php:0)
#0 {main}

Is that the right path : http://www.ybrv7474.odns.fr/invoice5/update?secret=

@france, yes that is correct path.

can you please delete the file


and try again /update?secret

i did http://www.ybrv7474.odns.fr/invoice5/update?secret= after delete and not working

Hello @david do you have any other idea to fix the bug or export database because i am on softacoulous


I’m not sure, I have a softaculous installation myself and haven’t seen this issue appear at all.