Invoice incorrect balance

Hi to all, I am getting the following error:

013 - Balance Failure - Invoice Balances = 0.000000 Client Balance = -0.820000 Ledger Balance = -0.820000

In “Customers” I get the -0,82 EUR in the balance.

This happened somehow when I have added online payments to my Invoice Ninja instance. Customer has paid the invoice by bank transfer so I have added “Paid” and sent the confirmation. The 0,82 EUR are the calculated Stripe fees which I have deleted from the invoice. Now I am getting this error.

How and where can I correct this?


@david any suggestions?


from the command line you can run

php artisan ninja:check-data --client_balance=true

this will clean up this issue. We have a fix in 5.3.27 for this.

Dear David, thank you for your help. Unfortunately after running the command I stell see the wrong balance in the GUI. There was no auto update to 5.3.27 in the app. I am on 5.3.25.