Hosted v4 to v5 - No Payment Methods Available

I just updated us from v4 to v5 today and there are payment methods available for my gateway. And so no way for people to pay–no Pay button.

Manual says: Payment Type - Only the payment methods that are enabled in your payment gateway Settings pane are available to select from here. Choose one, and any fees or limits you set will be associated specifically with that payment method only.

Payment methods were able to be selected in v4 but gone in v5.


Which gateway are you trying to implement?

Firstdata Payeezy which was migrated over from and working with our v4 for two years.

I got PayPal Express working–I found out the Pay Now button was not working because my invoice was less than $1. My Fiserv Payeezy gateway still does not work–not an available option when Pay Now is clicked…