Gross Prices for products

As I’m living in Europe/spain, the prices for products are all including tax. So when I’m selling stuff I don’t need an additional tax on top, I need the tax included in the printed invoice.
1x Chair 121 €

incl. Tax 21 €
Total 121 €

Is there a solution to manage this?


Try setting the tax type to ‘inclusive’.

Sorry, tats not working.
when I use ‘inclusive’ the prices change.
1x Chair 100 € (here the price changes to net price)
Tax 21 €
Total 121 €

when I use ‘exclusive’ it looks like this:
1x Chair 121,00 €
Tax 25,41 €
Total 146,41 €

In Europe, like Spain, Germany when u sell to privat persons it should look like this.

1x Chair 121 €
incl. Tax 21 € (all prices are gross prices and only one line is showing how much tax is included)
Total 121 €

Thanks for any hint

You can enable ‘Display line item taxes inline’ on /settings/tax_rates to show the taxes in the line total.

I’m not aware of a way to include the tax amount in the subtotal.

Thanks, but …
the same thing. When I use ‘Display line item taxes inline’ it calculates the same way like ‘inclusive’ and ‘exclusive’. The only thing that changes is that it calculates it in the line not in subtotal …
The best solution for a next version would be a setting to choose if the prices for products are net or gross prices.

may be someone has a solution for European users with private clients.

“The best solution for a next version would be a setting to choose if the prices for products are net or gross prices”

I would really appreciate this kind of solution! Thanks!