Getting paid stamp on new invoices


I added the paid stamp to my invoice design and activated the option.
this solution worked fine until a few days ago.

I updated the version to v5.5.80. Now the paid stamp is show on every invoice. Even on new ones. Even when I disable the show paid stamp option in settings → invoice design …

any idea?


@david any ideas?


I’m not sure on this one, i cannot recreate this particular issue. Just to note however, that the invoice PDF only regenerates when a change to the invoice is performed.

I created a new invoice with v5.5.80 and the paid stamp is displayed immediately on the pdf.

Currently my temporarily solution to hide it the stamp is a display none for #statuslogo


Are you using a custom design?

yes i am using a custom design

It works again. Thx for the hint.

I added display: $show_paid_stamp; to the css .is-paid