Gateway card fees being discounted

I just realised on an invoice that was paid by card that the gateway card processing fee that I have added is getting discounted. Is this how it should be or a glitch?

In this case the invoice was raised for $1,000 with 15% discount, with a total discount of $150.
Client paid by card and a item line is added to the invoice for the card processing fee (calculated correctly) but then the fee is also discounted with 15%.

Is there a setting that I have missed to exclude gateway processing fee before calculating discounts?

Sorry, this is just a limitation of the feature.

AS a workaround you would need to either add a negative line item for the discount or use line item discounts.

Thanks, might be good to include info on the Settings page during the Gateway fee setup due to the impact?

Using discount per line item would be a good approach, I search the documentation on how to activate discount per line item but can’t seem to find it.

How do I activate it correctly?

You want to add the discount field on Settings > Invoice Design > Product Fields

Maybe another feature which could be better documented :wink:

Great, thanks - got it sorted! And true that, would help those who are trying to find answers themselves I guess and trying not to raise tickets unnecessarily in order to minimise support requests.
But we are all different of course :wink: