Expenses for my own company

Hi, invoice ninja was a great start to get my invoicing going, but something confuses me completely.
To start my company I made some expense on my own accord. So I have no intention of invoicing any of that. Let’s say office supplies, internet provider, phone bills, etc …

If I add these to expenses they show as “Logged” . But when I mark em as “Paid”, they still show up as “Logged” … I understand invoicing expenses to my client … but I don’t get it how to use it as a store for my own expenses …

Am I using this all wrong? Or is it just not meant to be in Invoice Ninja? Should I keep some separate cloud storage for my inbound invoices and expenses?


Expenses which haven’t yet been invoiced are shown as logged. You would need to attach the expenses to an invoice for them to be ‘invoiced’.

We’ll look into improving this use case.