Error sending invoice

Hi, after updating to the latest version (4.5.21) i’ve got some problems with sending the invoices. It’s self hosted and everything worked before manually updating.

emailing works, database connection works, deleted the logo and files from the /public/logo/ dir.
Uploaded the complete ninja folder again and added the .env file + visited /update/

Everything seems to be working, but i still get the following error when i try to email the invoice.

enabled APP_DEBUG=true
error is in dutch.

Er was een fout bij het opslaan van uw factuur

Internal Server Error


        try {
            return $this->driver->read($path);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
            throw new ContractFileNotFoundException($path, $e->getCode(), $e);

File not found at path: ox7hnhe83merkf4ichlrd6frr0t7qi6c/d57c89da77c64e68fe9ce6e32cb4b0d77a55af3e.pdf/domains/

     try {
            return $this->driver->read($path);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
            throw new ContractFileNotFoundException($path, $e->getCode(), $e);

Deleted the logo, used another template, tried to create an invoice without logo and also CHMOD the dir and files in it to 755 and 777 at some point. If I download the pdf everything works without and with logo added. I also checked if any automatically added pdf files where frustrating the process. (non were added during the creation)

Any options left to try?

Also I logged out, and did a permissions reset on the server (to be sure the server had the correct permissions on the files). Uploaded the /public/logo/ folder again from a backup. Still no result…


It looks like the app is looking for a PDF file, is it possible you had attached default company documents?

Also, you may want to try disabling the document attachment on Settings > Email Settings

Indeed! the system added some files (2 pdf’s). I’m unable to find the location where to delete the 2 files or change them, now the file names are shown in the web display for the client, but when clicked no files are found (errors)… i will do some more investigation where they are added automatically. (they don’t show up during the creation of the invoice/ must be somewhere in the system and template part)

Found them! Geavanceerde instellingen > Factuurinstellingen > Standaardwaarden > Documenten (2) :smiley:

thank you for the fast reply, InvoiceNinja is a great product. Keep on going!