Error 500 after Update to 5.3.77

Hi Have now managed to get this working, following your instructions, but now when i go to check for an update I get


Where is this file a search did not show anything?

Here are the commands to set the file permissions:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data storage
sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

I am on a shared server so i am not able to do those commands

@david can you please advise?

Sometimes in the control panel is an SSH window. You might look for that, then you can run @hillel 's command

This is strange. It sounds like you’ve uploaded the files with a different user. There should be a “root” type of user which will be the same that the webserver uses to execute.

After increasing the memory limit, I also get an error when trying to update from 5.3.75 to 5.3.78 but it’s complaining about an .htaccess file instead.
I’m using suphp and ownership and permissions are correct on the file in the root and public folders.

The error log comes from here:
But that doesn’t show the location of the file it’s having an issues with, just the name.

Wouldn’t \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS mean it should skip any .htaccess files anyway?

@david do you have any thoughts?

I downloaded the manual package from here:

I just left it uploading manually after renaming the folder bootstrap/cache and there weren’t any failed files.

Then I tried running artisan update and got an error about a missing package:

In Application.php line 745:

  Class 'Former\FormerServiceProvider' not found

So then I ran composer install and then artisan optimize worked again and I could log back in.

Ok, it looks like the errors I’m getting relate to the "require-dev" section of package.json.

They don’t seem to be in the zip’s vendor folder and I assume they aren’t needed.

So this might be related to the last time I ran composer update for a similar problem Got Error 500 when upgrading from V5.3.66-W77 to V5.3.7x - #20 by robwent

I just tried running composer again with composer install --no-dev

Dev packages are now gone and the install is still running.

Thanks sharing the details/update!

THANK YOU: the update from 5.4.5 to 5.4.8 has now worked without problems via the backend.