Email template header

Where are the email headers and footers? The only thing I can edit seems to be the body, but I would like to modify what shows in the footer.


You would want to modify the root templates in resources/views/email/template

from the UI we only give access to the “body” anything else, you would need to go direct to the template itself.

This is for the hosted version, too?

I have created a custom email template under Settings > Email Settings > Email Design to Custom.

The you can do anything in your Mail with the available variables.

Then i`ve checked the available variables with.


I’ve reading alot on this helpful forum but it users are required to know some basic coding ? what about noobs like me ?

here are no noobs… here are all beginners or advanced users… you can ask anything and get a step by step introduction how to do it… :smiley:

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will any changes to those templates be overwritten in an update?

Changes to the file would be overwritten, using a custom email design in the app wouldn’t have this problem.