Docker-compose setup fails on db migration

I’m following the instructions outlined in the dockerfiles repo to spin up a new instance of InvoiceNinja using docker-compose, and the application is failing while running a db migration:

app_1     | 2022-07-25T23:46:34Z [INFO] [Entrypoint]: Initialising Invoice Ninja...
app_1     |
app_1     |    INFO  Configuration cached successfully.
app_1     |
app_1     |
app_1     |    INFO  Caching the framework bootstrap files.
app_1     |
app_1     |   config ........................................................ 34.68ms DONE
app_1     |   routes ........................................................ 76.90ms DONE
app_1     |
app_1     |
app_1     |    INFO  Running migrations.
app_1     |
app_1     |   2022_07_18_033756_fixes_for_date_formats_table_react ........... 7.24ms FAIL
app_1     |
app_1     | In 2022_07_18_033756_fixes_for_date_formats_table_react.php line 17:
app_1     |
app_1     |   Attempt to assign property "format_moment" on null
app_1     |
app_1     |
invoiceninja_app_1 exited with code 1

Not sure what’s going on here. Any clues?

I’ve tagged a new release, the new docker image is building, when it has finished, please try pulling in the new image and try bringing the container up again.

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

You can track the build progress here:

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