Docker | change text/plain content of multipart email

I have a very small business and have IN locally on a Raspi in Docker installed.
I use the custom email template and send the invoices as pdf attachments. There is no public url and no customer login.
The sent email are sent as multipart messages and the text/plain part contains a local url
this of course does not work for the recipient.
I have tried in the folder
to adjust the file, but it seems to be automatically deleted daily.
Is there any other way to customize this?


One option may be to set a custom email design on Settings > Email Settings.

As I have already written, I use the custom setting. But only the HTML part can be customized. Or am I missing that somewhere? :hugs:

Understood, @david can you please advise?


I believe if you set the domain in Settings > Client Portal, the link URL will be built with that particular domain.

Hi @david
I would like to remove the link completely and change the text. (for the text/plain part)

I’ll look into casting the actually body into a text string.

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I hope for an improvement soon