Disable manual quote approve

Can we disable the manual approval of quotes by the customer?

The problem is that if the systems sends a quote on 10.01.2017 and a client approves it on 15.01.2017 then the invoice will have as a date 10.01.2017 (the quote date).

But in the meantime we also generate invoices manually, and the number and date of all invoices must be in order. I can’t have Invoice 100 / 10.01.2017, 101/12.01.2017 and then 102/10.01.2017.

I mention that the application is self-hosted. Thank you.

If you uncheck “Auto convert quote” on /settings/invoice_settings it will prevent approving the quote from automatically creating the invoice.

Unfortunately I do not have such an option. The version I have installed is v2.4.3. Will an upgrade offer me this option?
Thank you.

Yes, upgrading will add this setting as well as many other features.


Please make sure to create a backup of your database before upgrading.