Customer cannot log into invoice

As a first time user I am having a few issues. I created my first customer and my first invoice and sent it out. The invoice went to the customer and was cc’d to me. I attempt to long in via the link in the e-mail however the customer’s password does not work (yes I have reset it a few times). I attempt to use the reset,password and get the following error:

Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.

The customer cannot pickup his invoice…I could use assistance.

Additionally I attempted to use the "Contact Us’ icon at the bottom of the portal and it takes me to a web page that does not exist with the error “about:blank”. I had to sort thru to get into the forum to seek assistance.

Sorry to hear you’re having issues.

You mention you’ve used the ‘recover password’ option, have you tried manually setting the password for the contact when editing the client.

Yes I have…same result. Please try the link and password yourself

Thanks, I’m looking into the problem now.

I think I understand the problem.

We recently added, it looks like there’s a problem when the contact password feature is enabled.

We’ll work to have a fix this weekend, until then changing back to should fix it.

Looks like that worked…Thank You

Great to hear!

Sorry for the trouble, we’re working on a proper fix.