Cannot upgrade to 3.92 from 3.8.1.

Tried to do so yesterday and was given this error message: Contacted my host and had them replicate the issue but logging into my cPanel, upgrading automatically through Softaculous and they received the same problem as I did. Here is what the support team sent me:


It appears Softaculous is updating fine as some pages do work and show the new version, just not the dashboard for me, it’s an issue with the software itself (the error message is based on Laravel which is the framework it’s written on).
You should contact Invoice Ninja and notify them of the following error when upgrading to 3.9.2 from 3.8.1, we’ve rolled it back to 3.8.1 in the meantime.
[2017-12-19 16:40:11] production.ERROR: Illuminate\Database\QueryException [42S22] : /home/thc/public_html/inv/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php [Line 729] => SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘invoices.partial_due_date’ in ‘field list’ (SQL: select coalesce(invoices.partial_due_date, invoices.due_date) due_date, invoices.balance, invoices.public_id, invoices.invoice_number, as client_name,, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, clients.currency_id, clients.public_id as client_public_id, clients.user_id as client_user_id, invoice_type_id from invoices left join clients on = invoices.client_id left join contacts on contacts.client_id = where invoices.account_id = 1 and clients.deleted_at is null and contacts.deleted_at is null and invoices.is_recurring = 0 and invoices.quote_invoice_id is null and invoices.balance > 0 and invoices.is_deleted = 0 and invoices.deleted_at is null and invoices.is_public = 1 and contacts.is_primary = 1 and coalesce(invoices.partial_due_date, invoices.due_date) < 2017-12-19 order by invoices.due_date asc limit 50) {“context”:“PHP”,“user_id”:1,“account_id”:1,“user_name”:“Kelley Chambers”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:“",“previous”:“”,“user_agent”:"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.108 Safari/537.36”,“ip”:“”,“count”:6,“is_console”:“no”,“is_api”:“no”,“db_server”:“mysql”} []

The error log for Laravel can be found in /public_html/inv/storage/logs

Best Regards,

Chris A. || Management

We are a white label client and need someone to please help me with this upgrade. Thank you.

Try loading /update (or /public/update)

Sadly, when I try, I get this error message: The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation.

You’ll need to either temporarily enable proc_open or update the app from the command line.