Can a user only generate and see his own invoices?

I love the Ninja Invoicing. All great .

In my sittuation I have contractors which need to login and create their own invoices to bill me as the supplier either by;-

  1. generate their own client list and invoices
  2. I generate the master client list and assign clients to individual contractors where they only see those client list and not someone elses.

I know I can setpermissions but even setting permissions from my admin individual users/contractors still see the total client list.Is there way of avoiding this?

Can Ninja do this:

Are you using or are you self hosting, if self hosting which version are you using?

This isn’t how our app was designed to be used but it should be supported in v4.5.

Hi Thanks for your reply

I am using ver 4.5.1. selfhosted. Ninja Invoices is soo good I love it.

I tried to create USERS with limited permissions as “my” ‘SubContractors’. Unfortunately this is where it gets confusing for me. These new “my” ‘SubContractors’ should be really my ‘VENDORS (or subcontractors)’ not as CLIENTS. VENDORS do not have the same/similar account permissions as the CLIENTS nor seperate account login.

So I set my 'VENDORS (or subcontractors) as "CLIENTS so that they have restricted views. Clients will never need to login so I am not worried about the clients as ‘CLIENTS’ as such.

New USER as a new client can login but I want them see only their own invoices.

In a n ideal world It would be great if:

  1. Vendors had permissions to only see their own clients and their invoices
  2. Vendors also had their own login

Feel free to create an issue on our GitHub repo to track the request