Automated backup on a hosted Invoice Ninja


Just wondering is it possible to automatically backup Invoice ninja from a hosted version?

Currently, I manually go into import/export within the windows application and i export the JSON file and store that.

I tried to add a schedule idea being that it would send a daily email of the backup and i would store these then from there. I tried adding a schedule but i dont seem to have an option to do it.

Thanks in advance


It isn’t currently supported in the app, feel free to create an issue to request it.

If you’re a developer (or want to hire one) it should be possible to automate with a script.

is very broad and it will widely depend on how you host it.
I am using K8s for instance so I backup using a Cron Job. While this is great for K8s users, it is mostly useless for others.

I just steup my backup and I am doing:

  • automatic mariadb-dumps
  • I use a separate volume mounted on /var/www/app/public/storage/backups so the generated backup do NOT land on the same volume where InvoiceNinja runs
  • I use a separate volume for /var/www/app/public/storage and that volume is backed up as well
    Hopefully I did not miss anything :slight_smile:

It would be nice however to have a single command that packs all of that together in an atomic way.