Again error when generating PDF

Hello everyone.

I have Invoice Ninja deployed on a Synology DS218J with DSM7 version.
IN was working correctly until the last update received on my Synology, the problem is that the virtual host server is now not accessible from my domain, I can only access IN through a simple name.

PDFs were being created using my Phantom account to create the PDFs, but it must be that now there is no resolution or connection to the Phantom platform and no PDFs are being generated.

I have edited the .env file to set snappdf but it shows the following error:


IN details here:


Everything works except for PDFs.

I have opened a case on Synology to resolve the domain name resolution issue for the virtual host.

But if there is any solution using snappdf I beg you for help, I need to issue some invoices urgently.

Thanks in advance.



If you have a white label license you can use the hosted SnapPDF option.

Thank you for your response.

I think I would have the same problem.
Something is preventing it from connecting to Phamtom which would be the same for me if I had paid for the license, don’t you think?

@david do you have any suggestions?

After using Inovice Ninja hosted on my Synolgoy NAS for 3 months I have decided to abandon this solution due to several reasons.

  • Problems with PDF generation. I managed to get it working but now a Synology update has made that I can’t access the web service through the domain and if access only by IP and port it must be that internally it doesn’t connect to the Phantom platform.

  • Slowness when creating or modifying invoices and budgets. The tool is used by my wife for her business and she reported to me that it is complicated because it was very slow.

I have tried to deploy Inovice Ninja on a Raspberry without success, and there is no arm v7 image for docker.

I’m finally back to the old software I was using.

Good luck with the project, I hope other users find it functional and useful.

Thanks for all the help and development work.
