Again a nice Error


i have worked the whole day on a calculation. Now i finished it and after putting all products in invoice ninja i get this error:

it feels like the whole database is broken… the products are not like i putted it in they are random… and when i press on “deliver order” - Lieferschein


i get other products from another costumer…


and the design dont know print areas…

i dont know what to do… maybe i should work with excel and word in the meantime… i hope the stable version gets soon stable


These are a few different issues, thanks for reporting them!

For the first problem, please check the browser console and error logs to see if there are more details.

@ben @david do you have thoughts on the other problems?

Thanks for reporting these.

The issue with the random order of the line items has already been reported & it is in my to-do.

Can you please elaborate a bit more about the issues with the design? Thank you.