Add raw value of total without currency to template editor888oe

For QR-Code generation I need the raw value of the total. I can put the currency value in front of it already but at the end there’s still the currency. And the formatting of the number is not english.

Should look like this: 002 1 SCT BELABEBEXBX Whatever+Inc DE84200500000191320518 EUR1020.34 R-2021-0001 &code=EPCQRCode&eclevel=M

But looks like this: 002 1 SCT BELABEBEXBX Whatever+Inc DE84200500000191320518 EUR1.020,34+EUR R-2021-0001 &code=EPCQRCode&eclevel=M

If you do this:$company.custom2%0A$$company.custom1%0A$client.currency$total%0A%0A%0A$number%0A&code=EPCQRCode&eclevel=M


@david is this supported?

$balance_due_raw I believe

This contains 0€ unfortunately. I need the opposite value. But the _raw thing should work similar.


these two work for me, and they return with no formatting?

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$amount_raw works! Big thanks to you