Add credit card to new client before first invoice

Is it possible to add a credit card to a new client profile without having to create an invoice first? I am trying to get all my clients setup and moved over from Freshbooks and then get them to login and add their credit card number so it will be ready to bill on their first invoice at the first of next month. It seems you can’t add a card number, the button doesn’t show up unless you first create an invoice for that new customer first.

I am using WePay as my gateway and I am on the hosted version of InvoiceNinja.

Thanks in advance for any help.

As far as I’m aware an invoice needs to first be created

Thanks, it looks like I can create an invoice in draft mode. At least in draft mode the customer doesn’t see it, once they add their card, I can delete the draft invoice.

Seems it would be a nice improvement to allow a new customer to login and add their card without the need for a first invoice to be created.

I bill them at the time I create their invoice so, at least in our case there is a need to have the card on file before the customer’s first ever billing in Invoice Ninja.

Thanks again for your help Hillel

Agreed, we’ve made this change in v5

I’m on the hosted version, when will version 5 be available?

Hopefully by the end of the year

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