"504: Gateway Time-out" on loading invoice preview


While taking a look at the different invoice designs, loading some of those design takes extremely long and for the first one or two times results in a “504: Gateway Time-out”-error. Switchting between design and loading a design for a second or even third time then results in proper loading of the preview.

The logs are filled with something like this:

2022-11-27 11:56:18,848 INFO reaped unknown pid 2976 (exit status 0)
2022-11-27 11:56:18,848 INFO reaped unknown pid 2977 (exit status 0) - 27/Nov/2022:11:56:22 +0000 “POST /index.php” 200
2022-11-27 11:56:25,293 INFO reaped unknown pid 3020 (exit status 0)
2022-11-27 11:56:25,293 INFO reaped unknown pid 3021 (exit status 0)

Running on official Docker v5.5.42-C100

Thanks i advance!


@david any thoughts?


I haven’t seen this one before. What kind of hardware are you running on?

Sorry for the late reply…

I’m running it via docker-compose on an Ubuntu 22.04 VM, with 4 vCores and 4GB RAM.

I’m not sure how to explain this one, something is killing the parent process