2FA - Remember Me


2FA for IN was a must. Is it possible to add a " Remember Me for 30 days on this computer ".

I know it’s probably a breach of security, but since I do work from home, mainly on my desktop, with self-hosted IN, I would feel less annoyed by 2FA and still have this wall for any other devices trying to access my install.


Have you seen the info here:


Mmm, that’s not exactly what I was looking for.

As for Gmail or Lastpass, 2Fa is not asked everytime if specified not to. These apps ask for login credentials without 2FA on specified devices only, but leave 2FA active when trying to login on other devices.

IMO, your suggestion is less secure as it leaves IN completely open when activated.

Anyway, that’s not a major issue, only a bit annoying.


We’ll keep this change in mind for the future, I agree it’d be helpful.